Collection: OEM Hydrocolloid Acne Patch, Salicylic Acid Acne Patch, Invisible Pimple Patch

Pimple patches are small stickers made with a slightly gummy wound-healing gel called hydrocolloid. Larger versions are marketed as “blister bandages,” but they're all designed to do the same thing: Help your skin heal faster.

How do pimple patches work?

Pimple patches are small stickers made with a slightly gummy wound-healing gel called hydrocolloid. Larger versions are marketed as “blister bandages,” but they’re all designed to do the same thing: Help your skin heal faster.

“Pimple patches work by absorbing any drainage from the pimple and covering the wound to prevent further trauma to the site, such as picking,” Dr. Kassouf explains. “They work best on open, draining, healing pustules, papules and cysts.”

Of course, you know you’re not supposed to pick at your skin or pop zits. But if you’ve already committed this skin care sin, a pimple patch may be a helpful healer.

How to use pimple patches?

Most pimple patches need to be worn for a few hours in order to do their thing, so you may want to plan to apply yours before bed. Some versions are also designed to be inconspicuous enough to be worn during the day.

Before applying your pimple patch, make sure your skin is completely dry, as the patches won’t stick as well to wet skin. If your freshly picked pimple is leaking or oozing, be sure to cleanse the spot before application.

Simply apply the pimple patch over your zit — remember, they only work on open wounds — and leave it on for the recommended amount of time (which varies by product). When you peel it off, your blemish may be smaller and less inflamed.